After today if the rain holds off we should only have 80 acres of soybeans left to plant! Yesterday morning when I was digging in front of my husband planting, there was a red tail hawk waiting for me to dig up the field mice! I am lucky Samuel our youngest son switches off with me so I can do all the little things that clutter up. Working corn ground is kind of hard on the back. Plus we bought some hay from a neighbor that weighs a hundred lbs. or more so that don't help any I guess we got our money's worth per bale. Josh our oldest comes and helps me with chores if he doesn't have to work at the elevator. Thank you God for strong boys! While I am digging I am thinking about all the things I want to start making after field work I can't wait to get a start! I have 3 new quilt patterns and new doll patterns too! Plus get a start on fall decor. I have some really cute patterns of witches and old crones, the headless horsemen witches boots and the list goes on! I am pumped now that I had a break away from sewing I can't wait to get back at! So be on the look out for new things to come in the next weeks.
Sincerely, Ellen